CHQ NEWS (27/12/2017) :

Meeting with PGM (Pers) BSNL, CO: - 
GS, President, FS & AGS (Finance) met PGM (Pers) and discussed regarding.

a) CPSU cadre hierarchy implementation:- PGM (Pers) mentioned that the most of the suggestion given by AIBSNLEA have been incorporated in the CPSU cadre hierarchy proposal submitted to the BSNL Board but before the Board meeting Hon’ble CAT Ernakulum Bench has granted stay order on the proposal itself. The case has been filed by some JTO’s qualified LDCE and waiting for promotion. He mentioned that the case will be heard on 3rd Jan-2018 and before that BSNL reply to the Hon’ble CAT. He mentioned that as soon as the stay order is vacated the CPSU cadre hierarchy proposal will be placed before the BSNL Board for approval. We further requested to ensure to consider reference points for next promotion from the date of last DPC, SDE/AO to SDE/CAO promotion after 7years only instead of 12 years and withdrawal of MT recruitment provision. PGM (Pers) was non-committal on these issues.
b) Consideration of some SDEs/ DEs /DGMs request transfers: - Requested for consideration of some SDEs/ DEs /DGMs request transfers. PGM (Pers) assured to look into the pending cases for their early settlement.

Meeting with GM (FP), BSNL, CO: - 
GS, President, FS & AGS (Finance) met GM (FP) and discussed regarding.

a) CPC from JAO to AO:- GM(FP) informed that CPC was initiated to fill up the vacant AO posts but the Hon’ble CAT Bangalore has granted the stay order on the existing seniority list of JAOs. The case is will be heard in the month of Jan-2018.
b) Consideration of some request transfers of AOs/ CAOs/ DGM (F):- Requested for consideration of request/ tenure transfer of AOs/ CAOs/ DGM (F). GM (FP) directed to DGM (SEA) to examine all the pending cases and issuing transfer orders.
c) Relieving of AOs/CAOs from Chhattisgarh & MP Circle: - Requested for relieving of AOs/CAOs from Chhattisgarh and MP Circle. GM (FP) mentioned that already the substitutes from other Circles have been posted to the Chhattisgarh and MP Circle. Now all the transfer orders will be implemented through ERP shortly.
d) Clarification on hard tenure Circle to West Bengal Circle: - Requested for issuing clarification on hard tenure Circle to West Bengal Circle from BSNL CO. GM(FP) assured to issue clarification at the earliest.

CHQ NEWS (26/12/2017) :

Meeting with Member (T), Telecom Commission: 
GS, President & AGS (Finance) met Member (T) Telecom Commission and discussed regarding support to BSNL by giving some IT projects of DOT to BSNL being a state owned company. Member (T) mentioned that DOT has already take an initiative for external stake holders wherein some IT initiative projects can be taken by BSNL i.e. Central Equipment Identity Registry (ITPC) may carry out the work in coordination with (C-DOT), Disaster Management, Smart DoT (ITPC may carry out the work), Smart DoT Plus (for field units) ITPC may carry out the work etc. He advised that BSNL should take such projects from DoT to earn good revenue and it is easy for BSNL to execute these projects through their infrastructure and expertise. 

Meeting with Member (S), Telecom Commission: 
GS, President & AGS (Finance) met Shri Lav Gupta New Member (S), Telecom Commission and greeted him on assuming the high office of Member (S) and requested him to support BSNL. Member (S) mentioned that we are very much concern for the better health of BSNL since we have worked in BSNL and we are aware of its strength. He further mentioned that before 9-10 years when he was working in TRAI that time also he used to support BSNL in many aspects in the interest of Govt. and people.

We requested him for the implementation of 3rd PRC recommendation with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL which has already been approved by BSNL Board and has been sent to DoT for issuance of PO but it is getting delayed. Also requested for revision of pension of BSNL pensioners as they are not concern with the affordability clause of 3rd PRC report. Member (S) assured to discuss the matter with DDG (Estt.) for an early action in this regard.

Meeting with Director (PSU) DoT: 

GS, President & AGS (Finance) met Director (PSU) DoT and discussed regarding
a) Implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL: Director (PSU) mentioned that the matter is under consideration but it may take some time in settling affordability clause issue.
b) Restructuring of ADOL cadre: We requested for giving clearance on BSNLs proposal to restructure the ADOL cadre. Director (PSU) mentioned that the matter has been processed to internal finance of DoT for concurrence and the clearance is expected shortly.
c) Replacement of E-1A by E-2 and E-2A by E-3 pay scales: We requested for reconsideration of the issue of replacement of E-1A by E-2 and E-2A by E-3 pay scales. Director (PSU) mentioned that the matter has been sent to DOP&T/DPE for clarification on this issue.

Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL, Board: 

GS, President & AGS (Finance) met Director (HR) BSNL, Board and discussed regarding.
a) Implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit:- We requested Director (HR) BSNL Board to use her good office in DoT to get cleared the BSNL Board Proposal on 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL. Director (HR) mentioned that she has been trying to convince the DoT officers for 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL for its viability and hoping that Hon'ble MOC (I/C) will consider the proposal for its implementation.
b) CPSU Cadre Hierarchy: We expressed our concern against non-consideration of our views before the draft proposal of CPSU cadre hierarchy submitted to the BSNL Board meeting for approval. Director (HR) mentioned that the last BSNL Board meeting the matter was under agenda but could not be discussed due to the stay order granted by the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulum. However, she directed OSD and GM(SR) to hold a meeting with our association and to discuss the CPSU cadre hierarchy proposal. She advised OSD and GM(SR) to put-up our views before her for further discussion. She assured that our views will be taken under consideration.
c) Implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement on TES Group-B seniority and pay fixation: We requested for implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement on TES Group-B seniority and pay fixation. Director (HR) assured for an early action in this regard.
d) CPCs to fill up the vacant Group-A and Group-B level posts: We requested Director (HR) to seek the legal opinion on holding of CPCs on Adhoc basis to fill up the vacant Group-A and Group-B level posts subject to outcome of the Court Cases. Director (HR) assured to look into the matter.
e) Pay protection of Officiating JTOs under FR 22(1)(a)(i): We requested Director (HR) to implement the Hon'ble Kerala High Court judgment for pay protection / pay-fixation under FR 22(1)(a)(i) to all the affected officiating JTOs as per our letter dated 15.11.2017 addressed to the Director (HR) instead of filing an appeal in the Hon'ble Supreme Court. Director (HR) agreed to consider our request.

Media News : (22/12/2017)

Parliament Panel for BSNL, MTNL merger to give them fighting chance

New DELHI: A Parliamentary Panel today favoured the merger of loss-making state-owned telecom firms BSNL and MTNL, saying it would give them a fighting chance to take on the might of private sector which is undergoing consolidation.
In a report tabled in the Lok Sabha, it said that for "the long term survival and success of MTNL and BSNL, their merger would only be a viable proposition - in view of the fact that their merger would give both the entities a chance for competition against the emerging consolidated private sector players".

The 43rd report of the Committee on Petitions noted that the Department of Telecom had outlined two options after the panel had previously recommended constitution of an expert group to examine the prospects of merger of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (MTNL) and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL).

One of the options entailed MTNL focusing on turnaround with support from the government and shareholders and seeking opportunities "to sell and divest select business assets".

The second option was about seeking opportunities for merger of MTNL with BSNL to become a pan-India integrated telecom operator offering wired and wireless telephony services.

This would also allow them to optimise resources and increase revenue through synergised operations.

The committee was informed by the communications ministry that 'revival plan' prepared by consultant Deloitte has been considered by the MTNL Board in their meeting in March 2017.

After being recommended by the MTNL Board, it was sent to the DoT and "is under process".

"Now that the revival plan has been considered by MTNL Board and is presently under consideration of the Department of Telecom, the committee desire that the Ministry should explore ways to implement the revival plan without further loss of precious time," it said.

The committee also wished to be apprised of the final outcome on the issue.

Meeting of all Unions and Association of BSNL (13/12/2017):

All Unions & Associations CHQ leaders met today and congratulated the BSNL employees for making two Day strike a complete success.

The meeting also criticized and condemned the negligent attitude of DOT administration and BSNL Management towards BSNL employees strike and their legitimate demands.

Further decided to hold meeting on 08-01-2018 at 15.00 hrs in FNTO office T-16, Atul Grove Road New Delhi to decide the future course of actions for launching hard Trade union actions in terms of Parliament March/ Sanchar Bhawan including indefinite strike.


TWO DAY Strike Preparatory meeting by All Unions and Association of BSNL held on 05/12/2017 at Level IV Building, Tallakulam, Madurai.

Com. S. Kamaraj, ACS, AIBSNLEA participated and made special address to the gathering.

Other Circle Office Bearers Com.M. Murugaiah, BSNLEU, Com.K. Natarajan, NFTE, Com.N.Alagarsamy, SNEA, Com. M. Kannadasan, TEPU and Com.R.Premkumar, SEWA also delivered their special address.

The meeting was presided by M. Rajendran, DS NFTE and welcomed by C. Selvin Sathyaraj, DS BSNLEU. 

Concluded with the thanks giving speech by S. Muthukumar, DS, FNTO

Dear comrades!

AIBSNLEA          General           Secretary,  Com. Prahalad Rai DGM retiring on superannuation on 30.11.2017.

AIBSNLEA Madurai wishes him for a peaceful, healthy and wealthy retired life. 

Submission of Memorandum to MP:

Dear Comrades, 

On 29.11.2017, Our DS AIBSNLEA Madurai and other leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL, Madurai submitted memorandum to the Honourable MPs Shri. R. Gopalakrishnan (AIADMK)

The Honourable MP have well received our submission and assured to raise the issues in the ensuing Parliament Session.

Submission of Memorandum to MP's:

Dear Comrades,
On 29.11.2017, Our CS AIBSNLEA and other leaders of Unions and Associations of BSNL, Tamilnadu Circle along with Com.Subburaman, GS, TEPU and Com.P.N.Perumal, National President, SEWA-BSNL and submitted memorandum to the

Honourable MPs 
Shri.Venugopal (AIADMK), 
Shri.Vijayakumar(AIADMK)                        and Smt.K.Kanimozhi (DMK).

The MPs have well received our submission and assured to raise the issues in the ensuing Parliament Session. 

On 28.11.2017, CS AIBSNLEA Chennai Telephones along with Com.Kamaraj, CP, NFTE-BSNL accompanied the Leaders of Unions and Associations of BSNL, Chennai Telephones and submitted memorandum to the 

Honourable MPs 
Shri.R.S.Bharathi(DMK), Shri.T.K.S.Elangovan(DMK) and Shri.T.K.Rengarajan(CPI-M). 

Com.Subburaman GS, TEPU has made the necessary arrangements to meet the MPs.

Case on additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP::


AIBSNLEA got stay orders in the Principal CAT New Delhi today for the DoT order dated 5.7.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP. 

The case filed by AIBSNLEA vide OA/100/2649/2017 in Hon'ble Principal Bench CAT New Delhi against the DOT order dated 05.07.2017 came up for hearing today in the Principal Bench of Hon'ble CAT (Court No. 5 Item No. 37). In today's hearing DoT advocated asked a copy of the reply submitted by the advocate of BSNL in the Hon'ble court and requested for some time to study it. On it, our advocate argued. 

However, Hon'ble PB CAT posted the matter for further hearing on 11.12.2017 and till then kept the DoT order dated 05.07.2017 in abeyance.
Veteran telecom trade union leader Comrade R.K. Kohli has passed away on 26.11.2017 morning at New Delhi. 

Comrade Kohli was a stalwart in the trade union history since P&T era.

AIBSNLEA Madurai pays sincere and respectful homage to the departed leader, and also pays it's heartfelt condolences to his family members and comrades.

Two days Strike Notice served (24/11/2017):

All Unions and Associations of BSNL, served on the CMD BSNL and the Secretary, DoT, Notice for the two day strike, taking place on 12th and 13th December, 2017.

Human Chain on 23.11.2017 on the call of all Unions and Associations of BSNL:

On the call of all Unions and Associations of BSNL Human Chain has been organized in Madurai SSA with full zeal and enthusiasm demanding 3rd PRC with 15% fitment and raising the voice NO to formation of separate Tower Corporation, wherein almost all the executive and non-executive employees participated in the human chain. 

AIBSNLEA, Madurai Congratulates the Office bearers of all the Unions / Associations who have organised well in manner and also all the Executives & Non-Executives who have participated in it and made it a grand success.

Micromax Bharat 1 review: Smart feature phone with WhatsApp access

Bharat 1 is currently the only feature phone to offer 4G with VoLTE.
Rating: ****

Price: Rs 2,399

Specifications: 2.4-inch TFT (320 x 240 pixels), Qualcomm snapdragon 205 processor, 512MB RAM, 4GB storage, dual SIM slot, microSD slot, WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G, VoLTE, GPS, 2MP rear camera, VGA front camera, 2,000mAh battery

Pros: Sturdy design, good battery life, one of the only feature phones with WhatsApp, 4G with VoLTE & WiFi, excellent BSNL bundle call and data offer, not locked to any operator

Cons: Poor display viewing angles, front camera quality is laughable, you can't install additional apps

After the Jio feature phone was announced, there was a sudden rush amongst other brands to offer feature phones with 4G connectivity. Karbonn was amongst the first to 'announce' something but its Micromax that has actually managed to launch an entry-level feature phone with 4G.

You need to keep expectations in check for an entry-level feature phone. The Bharat 1 has a 2.4-inch TFT colour display and a numerical keypad. The good thing is that the overall build quality of the phone is stellar and its got a nice matte finish. It certainly doesn't look or feel cheap. We also liked the fact that the keypad on the Bharat 1 is backlit making it easy to use in the dark. On the back is a 2MP camera while the front has a VGA camera.

Micromax Bharat 1 review: Smart feature phone with WhatsApp access

The 2.4-inch colour screen uses a TFT panel with poor viewing angles and visible colour shift. Sunlight legibility also suffers and you'll find yourself cupping the screen to see anything. Keep in mind that this issue is common on almost all feature phones.

Micromax has done a good job on the software front. The main interface has a large, tile-based interface across multiple home panels — this makes it easier to scroll and find a particular app or folder. At the core, Micromax has made an operating system based on Android — this is primarily why Bharat 1 offers WhatsApp.

WhatsApp's icon is preloaded but the apk gets downloaded from the Internet when you click on it. As for Facebook, you get Facebook Lite preloaded. To navigate and interact with these apps, you get an arrow pointer that work with the phone's D-pad for movement and selection. You'll also see a YouTube shortcut but it just opens up YouTube in a browser window. For multimedia, Micromax TV app is present in association with Zenga TV that offers live TV, videos, music and movies.

We did not like that there is no access to any app store for downloading additional apps. Since it's an Android based OS, you could have installed apps by downloading their apk setup files but Micromax has disallowed installation of apps from unknown sources — you can't get around this limitation. One could argue that this is a good thing from a security standpoint.

Micromax Bharat 1 review: Smart feature phone with WhatsApp access

Even though the Bharat 1 comes with a front and rear camera, the image quality is disappointing. The rear 2MP camera manages to take images with good details in ample light but the images have washed out colours. In low light, it's best not to use the camera as there is nothing visible on the phone screen itself. The front camera fares worse — it suffers from visible noise, lack of details, and a very sluggish interface.

Other features we liked on the phone include the loud audio output, option of WiFi connectivity and the excellent battery life (over 2 days on a single charge). There is also a fantastic
BSNL plan bundled with the phone that

offers unlimited calling plus 4G data for just 

Rs 97 per month. If you're a fan of feature phones and want something with 4G plus VoLTE connectivity and WhatsApp — the Bharat 1 is your only choice.

Circle News (17/11/2017):

17.11.2017: Today Our CS, FS and the Circle Office Br.Secretary  met the GM (HR&Admn.) and discussed the issue of posting and transfer of LICE JTOs.

1. It was assured that genuine & compassionate ground transfer cases will be considered.

2. Maximum number of new JTOs will be accomodated in their home SSA/opted SSAs. 

CHQ NEWS (16/11/2017)

Meeting with Sh. A.N. Rai, Advisor to Hon'ble MOSC(I/C)
GS, President, GS AIRBSNLEWA met Sh. A.N. Rai, Advisor to Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) & discussed regarding implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL & revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners. We requested to use his good office in resolving these issues in DoT. Advisor to Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) immediately spoke to DDG(Estt.) DoT & discussed the matter that why there is a delay in revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners.
DDG(Estt.) DoT explained him that 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL is under consideration & till their is a decision in this regard, the pension revision is kept pending. Advisor to Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) assured him to atleast process the case. Advisor to Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) assured to arrange our meeting with Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) at the earliest to discuss the matter.

Meeting with Sr. PPS to Secy(T), DoT & Addl. Secy(T), DoT
GS, President, GS AIRBSNLEWA met Sr. PPS to Secy(T), DoT & Addl. Secy(T), DoT & requested for grant of meeting to our Association. The Addl. Secy.(T) meeting time is fixed up on 22nd Nov., 2017 at 14.30 hrs. & with Secy(T), DoT at 17.00 Hrs. to discuss the pressing issues.

Meeting with Sh. Prabhas Kumar, Member (S), Telecom Commission, DoT
GS, President, GS AIRBSNLEWA met  Sh. Prabhas Kumar, Member (S), Telecom Commission, DoT and discuses regard implementation of 3rd PRC & revision of pension of BSNL pensioners. Member(S) after discussions assured to discuss the matter with DDG(Estt.) for an early action.

Meeting with Director (PSU), DoT, New Delhi
GS and President met Director (PSU), DoT who informed that the proposal of BSNL on implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations in BSNL has been received in DoT and is under process.

Felicitation of Shri Prabhas Kumar, Memeber (S), Telecom Commission, DoT
GS, President and GS AIRBSNLEWA met Shri Prabhas Kumar, Memeber (S), Telecom Commission, DoT and greeted him on assuming the high office of Memeber (S), Telecom Commission, DoT and assured him fullest support.

Meeting with Director (PSU), DoT, New Delhi (16/11/2017):

GS and President met Director (PSU), DoT who informed that the proposal of BSNL on implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations in BSNL has been received in DoT and is under process.

Meeting with PGM (Pers.) to discuss the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy proposal (15/11/2017):

GS, President, AGS (HQ), AGS (Fin), and AGS (DR) had meeting with PGM (Pers.) on CPSU cadre hierarchy. The meeting was scheduled as per direction of the Management Committee of BSNL Board. GM (SR), Jt. GM (Pers) and DGM (Pers-II) were also present in the meeting. AIBSNLEA submitted its detailed Para wise response to the draft policy approved by BSNL Management committee.

PGM (Pers) had apprised that purpose of the MC‘s direction to discuss with associations to make policy more employee and organization centric. He requested that AIBSNLEA should support the policy to break the stalemate in the promotions of executives in BSNL.

AIBSNLEA made it clear that we are never against the CPSU hierarchy rather we have been demanding it to implement in the true sense and as per Khan Committee recommendations. We further clarified that our suggestions are to safe guard the interest of the entire executives and it will give value additions to it. In view of this Pers. Cell should carefully go through our views / suggestions with open mind without any prejudice. Then point by point discussion was held. 

While discussion, we strongly opposed the MT recruitment, ignorance of the weightage to seniority, reduction of sanctioned strength, increase in eligibility condition from of 7 to 12 years for the promotion of SDE/AO to DE /AGM/CAO, Time bound promotion in SG-JAG grade should be in E7 instead of E6 etc.

PGM (Pers) appreciated our concern in this regard and impress upon to consider MT Recruitment to full-fill the management requirement immediately but we categorically told that AIBSNLEA is firm on its stand and will not accept MT Recruitment at STS level which will block the career progression of executives. The meeting started at 15.00 hrs as per the schedule and continued till 18.00 hrs thereafter, PGM (Pers.) mentioned that he will study the submissions made by AIBSNLEA point by point and thereafter he will discuss the matter with AIBSNLEA again on 22nd and 23rd Nov, 2017.

BSNL Executive promotion Policy Amendment & Recruitment Rules, 2017 [Pros and Cons] - 13/11/2017:

The pros and cons on implementation of the Draft Rectt./Promotion Rule,  proposing Time bound functional promotion upto AGM grade for all cadres / streams are as under:-.
1.2: The modified policy shall be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2017:
Pros: The modified policy implementing w.e.f. 01.01.2017 will provide time bound functional promotion upto AGM level which will benefit the newly recruited executives, recruited after 2010.
Cons: The modified policy implementing w.e.f. 01.01.2017 will not give benefit to the senior executives in the cadre having more than 20 years of service which will cause frustration and discontentment among them. For example, one JTO recruited in the year 1995 and completed 21 years of service is still waiting his first functional promotion as a SDE and one JTO recruited in the year 2011 completed 5 years of service will get SDE promotion together.  No service weightage to the senior executive is ensured.    

1.3: On approval of the policy, all existing RR in the grade of SDE /equivalent will be treated as scrapped and MSRR 2009 will be modified to the extent that promotion of AGM/DE Grade in all the schedule-IA, IB, IC & ID shall be treated to be deleted. Remaining portion of MSRR shall be continued to be followed as per the existing provision. MT recruitment will continue as per the existing provision of Recruitment Rule of MT.
Pros: MT recruitment at STS level as per the existing provisions of recruitment rule of MT, It may help in filling up Top level SAG/HAG level post on fast track method through MTs of outside and inside quote.  Few of Group B level executives will also get a chance to become MT through this process.                                                
Cons: MT recruitment at STS level will block the career progression of Group B level executives as we have experienced in DOT setup through JTS OF ITS Grup A recruitment rules 1991. Where in one DR JTO of DOT used to retire as Adhoc DE after completing 37-38 years of service. The similar situation will develop in BSNL after the introduction of MT recruitment.                                  

1.4: Powers for relaxation/ modification/ amendment to these rules will vest with the Management committee of BSNL Board.
Pros: It will provide easy path to BSNL management to relax/modify/amendment to these rules with the approval of management committee of BSNL Board.
Cons: BSNL management, as its own or under the unforeseen pressures may any time relax/modify/amend these rules with the approval of BSNL MC which may be in the interest of executives or against. These rules are approved by the BSNL Board and cleared by DOT may not be allowed to BSNL management to make such provisions since the pension payment is being made by DOT.   

3.0: Authorized strength of the Service: The authorized strength of the executives in various cadre/stream shall be as per the provisional HR plan
Pros: As per Deloite recommendations the sanction posts of Group A and B level executives will be reduced the wage payment liability of BSNL through the proposed HR plan.                 
Cons: As per new HR plan based on Deloite recommendations the huge number of sanctioned posts of Group A and B will be reduced which will adversely affect the career progression of BSNL executives by way of stagnation due to non-availability of the posts. 

5.1: All the existing Executives up to AGM/DGM(Adhoc) shall continue to be considered  for financial up-gradation to the next higher scale upto E-6 scale on completion of 5 years of service from the date of placement in lower scale through conduction of CPC. The benchmarks considered for financial up-gradation shall be as per the prescribed provisions in the schedule. The new Benchmarks shall be applied to those executives whose financial up-gradations are due w.e.f. 01.01.2018.
Pros: The stringent benchmark will filtered the executives and the less number of executives will be promoted to the higher post to reduce to number.
Cons: The stringent benchmark will block the career prospect of majority executives thus the spirit of time bound promotion on functional basis to all executives will be defeated. Considering this, the benchmark proposed by Khan Committee was appropriate of functional promotions.

5.3 II: All the executives eligible for promotion for a vacancy year i.e. promotion under SCF, for which the result of the LDCE (other channel of promotion) has been issued and promotion order is pending, the promotion of executives of both the channel shall be considered deemed to have been promoted before 1.1.2017 and they shall be treated en-bloc senior to the executives promoted as per this Rule.
Pros: The promotion of executives of both the channel shall be considered deemed to have been promoted before 1.1.2017 and they shall be treated en-bloc senior to the executives promoted as per this Rule. It will depend upon the year to year vacancies.
Cons: The executives of LDCE quota appeared through a particular vacancy year will continue to claim their seniority along with the vacancies of SCF quota. It may invite litigations and derail the process.

12.0: The executive shall join the place of posting on promotion within 40 days of the issue of the order of promotion by BSNL CO. The period of 40 days may be extended in exceptional and deserving case, in the interest of service, where the Administrative requirement so demands with the approval of appointing authority. In case the Executives who are granted functional promotion but fails to join the promoted grade within the time or decline promotion, then Management reserves the right to forfeit his promotion and executive shall not be considered for functional promotion or financial up-gradation to higher scale for next one Year or next CPC whichever is later, from the date of deemed refusal (after 40 days) or from date of application of refusal.
Pros and Cons: If on promotion outside circle one is forced to refuse due to medical/ family issues, he will stagnate in his own pay scale as there is no financial upgradation. This type of situation should be relaxed and genuinely should be weighted.

16.0: New designations for Executives: In the Policy new Designation has been incorporated and shall hereafter be followed at all levels at H.Q./Circle/SSA etc.
Pros and Cons: Khan committee has no where suggested Sr. SDE as functional promotion and tightening the norms by deciding even one  "Average" as disqualification in promotion for JTO, SDE, Sr. SDE, DE cadres i.e. for the span of 20 years. We strongly submits that there is no need to alive the Sr. SDE cadre. By this inclusion the Executives will be derailed from their justified promotions and will be bound to remain in the same pay scale for 10 years, which is the violation of EPP. We strongly oppose such inclusion.

Meeting with Dir(HR) BSNL Board. (08/11/2017):

Director (HR) hold a meeting with AIBSNLEA representatives on 08.11.2017 and discussed the agenda items as under:-
1.   Implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL and settlement of E-2 & E-3 standard pay scales to the JTO & SDE equivalent executives in BSNL: We requested to get settled both the cases from DOT at the earliest to avoid unrest among the employees. Dir (HR) informed that she along with GM(Estt.) has met PS to Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) Shri Niteshwar Kumar and has discuss the matter on E-2 & E-3 pay scale issue and he has assured to appraised the issue to the Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) for review the PO since the earlier PO has been issued with the approval of Hon'ble MOSC(I/C).
On the issue of 3rd PRC report the BSNL Board has approved for its implementation with 15% fitment benefit and the same proposal will shortly be sent to DOT she immediately directed GM (Estt.) for sending the BSNL Board approval on 3rd PRC implementation for approval to DOT immediately. Dir (HR) mentioned that approval on 3rd PRC from DOT fully depends on Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) & Secretary (T) support. Since, the middle level administration in DOT is not favorable.
On the issue of payment of pension contribution on actual basic instead of maximum of the pay of BSNL employees to DOT. Dir (HR) mentioned that matter is still pending in the establishment cell of DOT to reply DOE queries wherein internal finance of DOT has also asked many quires in this regard. It seems that DOT Administration is not favorable to recommend the case to DOE.
2.    Holding of CPCs to fill-up the vacant Group-B and Group-A level vacant posts: We expressed our serious concern against the non-filling of the Group-B and Group-A level about 17000 vacant posts on the pretext of pending court cases. PGM (Pers) informed that Three SLPs have been filed in the Hon'ble Supreme Court against the Judgement of Hon'ble High Court Chandigarh on SC/ST roster implementation in BSNL the case was heard in the Registrar Court on 27th Oct.2017 wherein the notices have been issued to all concerned and now the next hearing is expected in the middle of Nov. month. He explained that we have requested to the Hon'ble Supreme Court to give us the clear direction that whether the Hon'ble High Court Chandigarh Judgement has to be implemented of the DOP&T guidelines should be implemented on SC/ST roster in BSNL to fill-up about 17000 Group-B and Group-A level vacant posts in the interest of BSNL and its executives. He opined that on this hearing Hon'ble Supreme Court may give clear cut direction in this regard and on that basis the CPCs will be conducted immediately. Dir (HR) also informed that she along with PGM (Pers) has met BSNLs senior Advocate and discussed the matter for an early decision in this regard.
3.     Withdrawal of additional increment on promotion in the same pay scale after time bound promotion under EPP: Dir (HR) asked the status of the court cases in this regard from PGM(Pers) and GM(Estt.). We expressed our concern that on 6th Nov-2017 the case was heard in the Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi filed by AIBSNLEA in the month of July-2017 against DOT order dated 05.07.2017 wherein for the last three hearings DOT Counselor shout time to file the reply and finally DOT filed the reply in Oct-2017 thereafter immediately AIBSNLEA Advocate also filed the rejoinder which was heard on 6th Nov-2017 in which Ist  time BSNLs Advocate appeared and demanded the MA copy and requested for adjournment of the Court for next 3 weeks wherein the now case is posted for hearing on 28th Nov-2017. Dir (HR) express her anguish against towards BSNLs Advocate late appearance and further delaying the case. She directed CGM (Legal) and PGM (Pers) to deal the case on priority for an early decision so that the pension cases can be settled accordingly.
4.     Implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy in BSNL: We expressed our resentment towards the attitude of PGM (Pers) for not discussing the draft proposal with AIBSNLEA 2nd majority Executive Association on CPSU cadre hierarchy before placing to the management committee of BSNL Board wherein many discrepancies are seen which will harm the assured carrier progression of BSNL Executives. The Khan Committee recommendation which were finalized after the signature of three Executive Associations i.e. AIBSNLEA, SNEA and AIGETOA has been diluted/ deviated which is not acceptable. We also mentioned that AIBSNLEA have been demanding implementation of CPSU hierarchy in the line of Khan Committee report. Dir (HR) mentioned that Management Committee of BSNL Board has directed to discuss the draft proposal with all stake holders before its submission to the BSNL Board for approval and now you have opportunity to put forth your views in this regard. She directed PGM(Pers) to discuss with AIBSNLEA on point to point basis and to take out view for further submission to the management committee of BSNL Board. She also directed GM(SR) to be present in the meeting on 15th Nov.2017 at 15.00 Hrs in the Chamber of PGM(Pers) and thereafter she will personally discuss the matter with AIBSNLEA before its submission to Management Committee of BSNL Board.
During the discussions with Dir(HR) the PGM(Pers), GM(Estt.), GM(SR), Jt. GM(Pers) and DGM(Estt.) were also present in the meeting. Com. GS, President, FS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (DR) attended the meeting.

Status on implementation of 3rd PRC report in BSNL (26/10/2017):

GS discussed with concerned officers in BSNL Corporate Office and confirmed that BSNL Board in its meeting held on 24.10.2017 has cleared the BSNL’s proposal approved by the Management Committee of BSNL Board for implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations with 15% fitment benefits in BSNL. 

It is understood that Govt. may put an embargo on the pretext of the affordability clause of PRC report. DoT has now to take the clearance from Cabinet Secretariat / PMO for relaxation in the affordability clause. Thereafter only, the presidential orders will be issued by DoT.

In view of these developments all the Unions and Associations of BSNL agitation programme has to be implemented with 100% success to mount required pressure.

Status on implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, Superannuation benefits & Modification in SDE RR (24/10/2017):

It is understood that today morning in BSNL Full Board Meeting, the presentation on 3rd PRC implementation with 15% fitment benefits was made by Director(HR), BSNL Board, wherein it seems that the issue will get clearance of BSNL Board.

It is also understood that BSNL Board has cleared increase on superannuation benefits from 3% to 5% and modification in SDE RR.

8Mbps Is BSNL Broadband New Speed As Minimum Bandwidth (Media News)

From 01.11.2017 you will get the BSNL broadband new speed as per your existing FUP limit without any extra charges.

The minimum BSNL broadband new speed of all unlimited plans now upgrades to 8Mbps and 10Mbps. State-run telco Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited gives a shock now to all ISP’s in India. Also, makes all their customers in rejoice for this festive season.

With the new upgrade in minimum download speed, BSNL has proved again as a strong competitor to all ISP’s in India. It is also as 8Mbps which redefined from 2Mbps a four times increment from existing speed.

At this time, ISP announced the BSNL broadband new speed from the starting type of BSNL 249 plan. So, the customer of starting broadband plan “Experience Unlimited Broadband 249” also will get 8Mbps speed with FUP limit.
BSNL Broadband New Speed
Now with redefining of BSNL broadband new speed, all the DSL broadband plans will start with 8Mbps, 16Mbps, and 24Mbps. In FTTH services a maximum of 100Mbps will continue as usual.

Fair usage policy in all unlimited BSNL Broadband plans does not increase in this upgrade process because it has doubled in a few months back only. In coming days, we hope the FUP limit may also rise to a large extent.
In this speed upgrade, PAN India ISP reformulated all the circle/SSA unique broadband and FTTH plans also with new bandwidth. We present the latest revisions in BSNL broadband new speed with clear navigation. It is for all India plans and circles wise specific programs in the following tables.
So, Without getting late, let’s have a look at the BSNL broadband new speed of your subscribed unlimited internet plans.

BSNL Unlimited Broadband Plans – All India

The below are the standard unlimited internet plans available under combo category in all India. All these programs upgrade with BSNL broadband new speed as mentioned.
Broadband Plan NameExisting Bandwidth (download speed in BSNL broadband) UptoBSNL Broadband New Speed Up to
Experience Unlimited Broadband 2492 Mbps till 5 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 5 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 4992 Mbps till 10 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 10 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 5452 Mbps till 15 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Rural Combo ULD 6502 Mbps till 15 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15 GB, then 1 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 6754 Mbps till 10 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 10 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 680 ASoM4 Mbps till 10 GB, 2Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 10 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG ULD 7954 Mbps till 20 GB, 2Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBO ULD 7994 Mbps till 20 GB, 2Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 8454 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 9454 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2Mbps
BBO ULD 9494 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 950 ASoM4 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 9994 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2 Mbps
BB CSC ULD 9994 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2Mbps
BBO ULD 11994 Mbps till 50 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 50 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 11994 Mbps till 40GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 40GB, then 2Mbps
BBG ULD 12754 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBO ULD 14498 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG ULD 1491 EA4 Mbps till 70 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 70 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 14954 Mbps till 70 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 70 GB, then 2Mbps
BB CSC ULD 15004 Mbps till 70 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 70 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 15994 Mbps till 70 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 70 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1745 VDSL8 Mbps till 70 GB, 2 Mbps beyond16 Mbps till 70 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Speed Combo ULD 22958 Mbps till 100 GB, 2Mbps beyond16 Mbps till 100 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 2845 VDSL16 Mbps till 100GB, 2Mbps beyond24 Mbps till 100GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 5994 BBNL4 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps

BSNL Broadband New Speed in Special Plans of Circles and SSA’s

The below are the unlimited special internet packages available in circles or Secondary Switching Areas(SSA’s) with new download speeds.
Broadband Plan NameExisting Bandwidth (download speed in BSNL broadband) UptoBSNL Broadband New Speed Up to
BBG Combo ULD 470 CS1422 Mbps till 30 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 30 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 499 CS1562 Mbps till 12 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 12 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 499 CS1914 Mbps till 10 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 10 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 545 CS892 Mbps till 3GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 3GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 545 CS1092 Mbps till 15 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 545 CS1312 Mbps till 5 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 5 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 550 CS1983 Mbps till 60GB, 1Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 60 GB, then 1Mbps
BBO ULD 550 CS2053 Mbps till 60 GB, 1Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 60 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 560 CS842 Mbps till 15 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 599 CS762 Mbps till 10GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 10GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 599 CS1574 Mbps till 15GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 599 CS1702 Mbps till 5GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 5GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 599 CS1924 Mbps till 20 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 20 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 611 CS544 Mbps till 40GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 40GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 645 CS714 Mbps till 10 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 10 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 645 CS352 Mbps till 15 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG ULD 649 CS492 Mbps till 15 GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 15 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 650 CS1996 Mbps till 50GB, 1Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 50GB, then 1Mbps
BBO ULD 650 CS2066 Mbps till 50 GB, 1Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 50 GB, then 1Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 675 CS2104 Mbps till 25 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 25 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 675 CS1064 Mbps till 8 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 8 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 675 CS2096 Mbps till 50 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 50 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 675 CS2104 Mbps till 25 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 25 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 675 CS2114 Mbps till 15 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 15 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 675 CS2154 Mbps till 10 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 10 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 690 CS2368 Mbps till 80 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 80 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 695 CS1844 Mbps till 25GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 25GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 699 CS854 Mbps till 10 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 10 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 699 CS1184 Mbps till 10 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 10 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 699 CS1394 Mbps till 8 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 8 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 699 CS1938 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 725 CS1024 Mbps till 6 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 6 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 749 CS1364 Mbps till 8 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 8 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 749 CS1584 Mbps till 50GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 50GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 749 CS1674 Mbps till 20GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 750 CS2006 Mbps till 100GB, upto2 Mbps beyond10Mbps till 100GB, then 2Mbps
BBO ULD 750 CS2076 Mbps till 100GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 100GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 775 CS364 Mbps till 10 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 10 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 795 CS2018 Mbps till 35 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 35 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 799 CS1604 Mbps till 20GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 799 CS1684 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 845 CS2196 Mbps till 35 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 35 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 845 CS2124 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 845 CS2164 Mbps till 12 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 12 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 845 CS2196 Mbps till 35 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 35 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG ULD 865 CS504 Mbps till 30GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 875 CS864 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 875 CS1856 Mbps till 35GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 35GB, then 2 Mbps
BBO ULD 890 CS2328 Mbps till 160GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 160GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 895 CS1034 Mbps till 12 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 12 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 895 CS1074 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 895 CS2228 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 899 CS994 Mbps till 12 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 12 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 899 CS1194 Mbps till 12GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 12GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 899 CS374 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 945 CS2208 Mbps till 40 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 40 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 945 CS2136 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 945 CS2174 Mbps till 15 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 15 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 945 CS2208 Mbps till 40 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 40 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 965 CS874 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 975 CS1044 Mbps till 15 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 15 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBO ULD 990 CS2338 Mbps till 210GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 210GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Speed ULD 991 CS788 Mbps till 50GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 50 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 995 CS1868 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 995 CS2028 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 999 CS2218 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 999 CS1204 Mbps till 50 GB, upto2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 50 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 999 CS2186 Mbps till 35 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 35 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 999 CS2148 Mbps till 25 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 25 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1000 CS384 Mbps till 20 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 20 GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1025 CS884 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1045 CS1084 Mbps till 30GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1049 CS1404 Mbps till 30GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Super Speed Combo ULD 1091 CS708 Mbps 60GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps 60GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1091 CS1698 Mbps till 40GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 40GB, then 2 Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1099 CS394 Mbps till 30 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 30 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1190 CS2378 Mbps till 200GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 200GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1225 CS2238 Mbps till 125GB, 2 Mbps beyond10Mbps till 125GB, then 2Mbps
BBO ULD 1290 CS2348 Mbps till 310GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 310GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1395 CS2038 Mbps till 100GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 100GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1549 CS1948 Mbps till 60 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 60 GB, then 2Mbps
BBO ULD 1590 CS2358Mbps till 110GB, 4Mbps beyond10Mbps till 110GB, then 4Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1599 CS2084 Mbps till 70 GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 70 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1899 CS1958 Mbps till 100GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 100GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 1995 CS2048 Mbps till 250GB, 2Mbps beyond10Mbps till 250GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 4200 CS1964 Mbps till 25GB, 2 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 25GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 4945 CS294 Mbps till 12GB, 2 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 12GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo UL 5500 CS732 Mbps till 1GB, 2 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 1GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 7011 CS1304 Mbps till 6 GB, 2 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 6 GB, then 2Mbps
BBG Combo ULD 9900 CS1978 Mbps till 50GB, 2 Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 50GB, then 2Mbps

BSNL FTTH Plans Special Tariff in Circle/SSA

All the said four Fibernet plans indicates with BSNL broadband new speed available in selected circles.
FiberNet Plan NameExisting Bandwidth (download speed in BSNL broadband) UptoBSNL Broadband New Speed Up to
Fibro Combo ULD 399 CS1092 Mbps till 3GB, 1 Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 3GB, then 1 Mbps
Fibro Combo ULD 599 CS34 Mbps till 25GB, 1Mbps beyond8 Mbps till 25 GB, then 1Mbps
Fibro Combo ULD 845 CS765 Mbps till 25GB, 2Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 25GB, then 2Mbps
Fibro Combo ULD 895 CS598 Mbps till 15GB, 2Mbps beyond10 Mbps till 15GB, then 2Mbps
We clarify some of the frequently asked questions on this BSNL broadband new speed as follows.
Can I approach BSNL for implementation of this reformulation to my broadband?
  • No, it does not require to apply for the said BSNL broadband new speed. It will change automatically. All the DSL plans also provide under FTTH if feasible.
From which date will I get the new bandwidth?
  • On PAN India basis, all the above-said plans will get the BSNL broadband new speed with effect from 1st November 2017.
Are there any withdrawn’s in this new revision?
  • In this BSNL broadband new speed reformulation, BBG Combo ULD 1441 and BBG Speed Combo ULD 2841 unlimited plans are withdrawn in all the circles from the said date only.
  • The existing customers who subscribe to this download speed in BSNL broadband will continue until they migrate, but not available for new activations.