Madurai 6th District Conference of AIBSNLEA was held in Madurai PGM (O) at TRC on 12.10.2019 @ 10 AM. The Conference was started with AIBSNLEA's Flog Hoisting by Com. K. Machaveeran, AO. The District Conference was headed by District President Com. S. Karuppasami AGM. District Secretary Com. A. Arunachalam, CAO welcomed all the dignitaries and members to the Dist Conference.
Com. C. Duraiarasan, Circle Secretary, Com. S. Kamaraj, ACS Trichy, Com. I. Saravanan, ACS Tuticorin, Com. M. Chandrasekran, CWC Member, Com. S. Karuppaih COS, Com. Mohandoass, Dist. President, Karaikudi have graced the conference with their admirable presence and thought provoking speeches .
Dist Secretary Com. A. Arunachalam, CAO presented Annual Report and Finance Secretary Com. M. Sivakumar AO presented Financial Report. Both the reports were unanimously passed in conference.
Our chief guest respected Smt. S.E. Rajam ITS, PGM, BSNL, Madurai BA came to the conference and all the members welcomed PGM.
District Secretaries of sister unions like BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, FNTO, TEPU were attended and greet to the conference and new office bearers.
Asst. Circle Secretaries have given elaborated speech for BSNL Present Position and activities to be taken for revival.
Com. C. Duraiarasan Circle Sectary has given special address to the house and explained very well regarding BSNL Position, Revival Plan, 4G Spectrum and all the important HR Issues.
Respected PGM Madam has given guest lecture to the house and described the present financial position of BSNL, importance of existence of rural exchanges. Speech of PGM has given encouragement and motivation to the members.
All the dignitaries have been honoured in the session by presenting Memento and Shawls. Our retired officers Com. V. Raja AO, Com. Alagar Samy DE, Com. Roy DGM, Com. A. Srinivasan AO were also honoured by Circle Secretary. Com. Sankaran Satheesh SDE Civil has joined our association and he was honoured by our Circle Secretary. Lunch break was given and delicious food was served to all the members.
After the lunch break, the house was again assembled. HR issue and personal issue of member was discussed and answered by Dist. President, Dist. Secretary and Circle Secretary. After completion of HR issues, the existing body was dissolved by president.
Com. S. Kamaraj ACS and Com. S. Karuppaih CAO COS was appointed as Returning Officer and Asst. Returning Officer Respectively for election of new office bearers.
A list of office bearers was submitted Com. K. Machaveeran AO and Com. A. Senthil Murugesan AO and the same list was unanimously accepted in the house. The New Office Bearers are given below.
Dist. President -- Com. S. Karuppasami AGM
Dist. Vice President -- (1) Com. A. Arunachalam CAO
(2) Com. M. Kaliappan, AGM
District Secretary -- Com. K. Murugesan, JAO
Asst. District Secretary -- (1) Com. M. Vijayarajan, AO
(2) K. Tamilmaran, JAO
(3) Syed Ramesh Dheen, JTO
(4) M. Vaver Durai AO
Finance Secretary -- Com. A.H. Rajan Babu AO
Asst. Fin. Secretary -- Com. M. Anand, AO
Organizing Secretary -- (1) Com. P. Sekar, AO
(2) Com. G.N. Parthasarathy AGM
(3) Com. P. Venkadasalam, DE
Executive Committee Members:
(1) Com. G. Manivannan, SDE
(2) Com. M. Sivakumar, AO
(3) Com. L. Rajakumar, AO
(4) Com. M.S. Sumathy AO
(5) Com. R. Sarath Babu AO
(6) Com. N. Vairavan, SDE
(7) Com. L. Kavitha, JAO
(8) Com. G. Nagarajan, JTO
(9) Com. N.P. Naganathan, PS
(10) Com. Sankaran Satheesh SDE Civil
(11) Com. K. Ravi AO
(12) Com. N.N. Baskaran, AO
(13) Com. V. Raja Jalaludeen AO
(14) Com. S. Gnanalakshmi AO
(15) Com. V. Murali AO
(16) Com. S. Gajendran AO
(17) Com. Balagurunathan JAO STP
Auditor -- Com. K.R. Arun Kumar AO
Web Site Maintenance -- Com. A.H. Rajan Babu AO and Com. K. Murugesan, JAO
The conference was concluded with the Vote of Thanks of Com. R. Sarath Babu, AO