AO to CAO Promotion

*** Congratulations***

AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released orders for Promotion of AOs/Sr.AOs to the grade of STS (CAO/AGM) on regular (378 Officers) and adhoc basis (90 Officers)

The following Sr.AOs of Madurai SSA have got CAO Promotion. 
(1) Com. N.S. Lalitha
(2) Com. S. Sundararajan
(3) Com. S. Karuppaih
(4) Com. D. Lakshmi
(5) Com. A. Arunachalam

AIBSNLEA, Madurai wishes them success always for new assignment as Chief Accounts Officers. 


Mr. A. Gowtham 
Son of Com.A.Arunachalam,CAO & DS AIBSNLEA
expired on yesterday 12.11.2018.

Funeral on today 13.11.2018 Around 6 P.M.
Address: 3-435-1, VOC Street, Near Vani Store & Vatthiyar Complex, Surveyor Colony, 
Madurai- 625 007.  Mob.:94861-03276

AIBSNLEA, Madurai conveys 
its deepest condolence to our 
Com. A. Arunachalam, CAO and bereaved family. 

May his soul rest in peace


Warm Diwali wishes for you and your family. 

May this day fill your life with 

happiness and bring you joy and 
