Retirement Farewell


Com. N.V. Chandrasekar CAO of Madurai SSA is going to retire on 31.07.2018. AIBSNLEA, Madurai has conducted a Felicitation Function to Retiring Officer on 26.07.2018. 

Hunger Strike

Relay hunger strike by AUAB on 24th, 25th & 26thJuly, 2018.
On the call of AUAB, BSNL Employees and Executives will be holding a Relay Hunger Strike on 24th, 25th & 26th July, 2018 at BSNL Corporate Office, Circle and SSA levels in support of their following demand i.e. Immediate implementation of the assurances given by the Hon.ble Minister of State for Communications, on the issues of
a) 3rd Pay Revision to BSNL employees.
b) Implementation of Government Rules in payment of Pension Contribution by BSNL.
c) Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL as per the proposal made by the BSNL Management.
d) Pension revision for the BSNL pensioners.  
All are requested to attend and make it grand success...

Tamil Nadu Circle Financial Status for the year 2017-18 
Our circle has ended with a net loss of of Rs.389 crores (Previous year Rs.180 crores).  This increase in loss is mainly because of steep decrease in mobile and broadband revenue since commercial operation of Reliance Jio.  Our operational revenue decreased by Rs.350 crores in 2017-18. 
We need not worry about the current year loss as Tamil Nadu circle has recorded loss of Rs.430 crores in 2013-14  and Rs.475 crores in 2014-15.  As we increased more than 1.5 million lines in mobile segment last yearit is time to push the sales in all verticals.  
If we increase the revenue by 1 crore per day, TN circle will record profit.   Adding 1 crore per day will be difficult but possible.  TN circle is having around 120 SDCAs.  If, each SDCA increases its revenue by one lakh per day put together from Landline, Broadband, Mobile (Prepaid/Postpaid), WLL, Leased lines, Passive Infra sharing & others, next year we will end up with profit.  There is another way is to decrease the expenditure wherever possible.  Each and every employee put our best effort to increase revenue and decrease expenditure.
The Operational loss of TN circle is Rs.104 crores against operational profit of Rs.144 crores in previous year.