The pros and cons on implementation of the Draft Rectt./Promotion Rule, proposing Time bound functional promotion upto AGM grade for all cadres / streams are as under:-.
1.2: The modified policy shall be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2017:
Pros: The modified policy implementing w.e.f. 01.01.2017 will provide time bound functional promotion upto AGM level which will benefit the newly recruited executives, recruited after 2010.
Cons: The modified policy implementing w.e.f. 01.01.2017 will not give benefit to the senior executives in the cadre having more than 20 years of service which will cause frustration and discontentment among them. For example, one JTO recruited in the year 1995 and completed 21 years of service is still waiting his first functional promotion as a SDE and one JTO recruited in the year 2011 completed 5 years of service will get SDE promotion together. No service weightage to the senior executive is ensured.
1.3: On approval of the policy, all existing RR in the grade of SDE /equivalent will be treated as scrapped and MSRR 2009 will be modified to the extent that promotion of AGM/DE Grade in all the schedule-IA, IB, IC & ID shall be treated to be deleted. Remaining portion of MSRR shall be continued to be followed as per the existing provision. MT recruitment will continue as per the existing provision of Recruitment Rule of MT.
Pros: MT recruitment at STS level as per the existing provisions of recruitment rule of MT, It may help in filling up Top level SAG/HAG level post on fast track method through MTs of outside and inside quote. Few of Group B level executives will also get a chance to become MT through this process.
Cons: MT recruitment at STS level will block the career progression of Group B level executives as we have experienced in DOT setup through JTS OF ITS Grup A recruitment rules 1991. Where in one DR JTO of DOT used to retire as Adhoc DE after completing 37-38 years of service. The similar situation will develop in BSNL after the introduction of MT recruitment.
1.4: Powers for relaxation/ modification/ amendment to these rules will vest with the Management committee of BSNL Board.
Pros: It will provide easy path to BSNL management to relax/modify/amendment to these rules with the approval of management committee of BSNL Board.
Cons: BSNL management, as its own or under the unforeseen pressures may any time relax/modify/amend these rules with the approval of BSNL MC which may be in the interest of executives or against. These rules are approved by the BSNL Board and cleared by DOT may not be allowed to BSNL management to make such provisions since the pension payment is being made by DOT.
3.0: Authorized strength of the Service: The authorized strength of the executives in various cadre/stream shall be as per the provisional HR plan
Pros: As per Deloite recommendations the sanction posts of Group A and B level executives will be reduced the wage payment liability of BSNL through the proposed HR plan.
Cons: As per new HR plan based on Deloite recommendations the huge number of sanctioned posts of Group A and B will be reduced which will adversely affect the career progression of BSNL executives by way of stagnation due to non-availability of the posts.
5.1: All the existing Executives up to AGM/DGM(Adhoc) shall continue to be considered for financial up-gradation to the next higher scale upto E-6 scale on completion of 5 years of service from the date of placement in lower scale through conduction of CPC. The benchmarks considered for financial up-gradation shall be as per the prescribed provisions in the schedule. The new Benchmarks shall be applied to those executives whose financial up-gradations are due w.e.f. 01.01.2018.
Pros: The stringent benchmark will filtered the executives and the less number of executives will be promoted to the higher post to reduce to number.
Cons: The stringent benchmark will block the career prospect of majority executives thus the spirit of time bound promotion on functional basis to all executives will be defeated. Considering this, the benchmark proposed by Khan Committee was appropriate of functional promotions.
5.3 II: All the executives eligible for promotion for a vacancy year i.e. promotion under SCF, for which the result of the LDCE (other channel of promotion) has been issued and promotion order is pending, the promotion of executives of both the channel shall be considered deemed to have been promoted before 1.1.2017 and they shall be treated en-bloc senior to the executives promoted as per this Rule.
Pros: The promotion of executives of both the channel shall be considered deemed to have been promoted before 1.1.2017 and they shall be treated en-bloc senior to the executives promoted as per this Rule. It will depend upon the year to year vacancies.
Cons: The executives of LDCE quota appeared through a particular vacancy year will continue to claim their seniority along with the vacancies of SCF quota. It may invite litigations and derail the process.
12.0: The executive shall join the place of posting on promotion within 40 days of the issue of the order of promotion by BSNL CO. The period of 40 days may be extended in exceptional and deserving case, in the interest of service, where the Administrative requirement so demands with the approval of appointing authority. In case the Executives who are granted functional promotion but fails to join the promoted grade within the time or decline promotion, then Management reserves the right to forfeit his promotion and executive shall not be considered for functional promotion or financial up-gradation to higher scale for next one Year or next CPC whichever is later, from the date of deemed refusal (after 40 days) or from date of application of refusal.
Pros and Cons: If on promotion outside circle one is forced to refuse due to medical/ family issues, he will stagnate in his own pay scale as there is no financial upgradation. This type of situation should be relaxed and genuinely should be weighted.
16.0: New designations for Executives: In the Policy new Designation has been incorporated and shall hereafter be followed at all levels at H.Q./Circle/SSA etc.
Pros and Cons: Khan committee has no where suggested Sr. SDE as functional promotion and tightening the norms by deciding even one "Average" as disqualification in promotion for JTO, SDE, Sr. SDE, DE cadres i.e. for the span of 20 years. We strongly submits that there is no need to alive the Sr. SDE cadre. By this inclusion the Executives will be derailed from their justified promotions and will be bound to remain in the same pay scale for 10 years, which is the violation of EPP. We strongly oppose such inclusion.