AIBSNLEA has reiterated its stand on the replacement of intermediatory pay scales E1A, E2A and other scales E3,E4,E5, E6 by E2,E3,E4,E5,E6 and E7 respectively and accordingly has given a letter to CMD, BSNL and Secretary (Telecom) for reconsideration. In this connection BSNL has already sent a proposal to DoT vide letter number 1-13/2015-PAT (BSNL) dated 06.06.2016 for approval wherein-
(i) Pay scale of JTO & SDE (& equivalent executives) may be revised to E2 and E3 respectively as replacement of pre-revised scale of E1A / E2A w.e.f. 01.01.2007.
(ii) The pay scales E3, E4, E5 & E6 may be up-graded to E4, E5, E6 & E7 w.e.f. 01.01.2007 in respect of the cadres of Sr. SDE, AGM, DGM and SG-DGM respectively and appropriate changes may accordingly be approved in the BSNL Executive Promotion Policy.
AIBSNLEA is demanding the same for the benefit of all executives. AIBSNLEA represents all disciplines of the executive of BSNL whether it is BSNL absorbed or BSNL recruited, hence trying for benefit of all the cadres. In case, Executive Associations do not insist upon for the approval of above BSNLs proposal then all the Executive Cadres will never forgive them. Moreover replacement of E1A by E2, E2A by E3 and subsequent pay scales E3 by E4, E4 by E5, E5 by E6 and E6 by E7 was first item in the Manifesto of AIBSNLEA for the Membership Verification held in December 2016. AIBSNLEA strongly opposed keeping one Executive in E3 Scale for ten years consequent upon revision of E1A by E2 and E2A by E3 scales.
JTO / JAO promotions will not end at the level of SDE / AO only but they will be promoted to the higher grades also. In view of this all the pay scales have to be up-graded as already accepted and recommended by the BSNL Management.
When AIBSNLEA is demanding up-gradation of scales up-to E-7 grade, how it can be unfortunate? AIBSNLEA has been demanding for the replacement of E1A by E2 and E2A by E3 but it cannot drop the demand of up-gradation of higher scales upto E7 grade since it represents all the cadres of BSNL executives.
In aforesaid proposal financial burden on BSNL towards perks & allowances of the executives would be bare minimum as the executives from the scales E3, E4, E5 and E6 would be simply placed to the next higher scale i.e. E4, E5, E6 & E7 and most of them will not get any financial benefit even of a single penny except those whose stagnation comes to an end. Hence, there would not be any cascading effect.
We therefore, just requested CMD, BSNL to insist upon DoT for approval of this proposal to resolve the problem once for all.
We have also requested BSNL Management to persuade for approval of the proposal of deduction of pension contribution payable to DoT on actual pay of an executive instead of the highest of his/her pay scale. This will reduce the additional financial implications on BSNL on account of pension contributions to bare minimum.
However, AIBSNLEA support will continue to AIGETOA for their struggle.